Here you will find guidelines, tips, and contacts for a successful habilitation at the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering at a glance.
Habiliation Procedure
Upon the successful completion of a doctoral program, an individual may pursue further academic advancement through the process of habilitation. This advanced stage grants the authorization to teach and conduct research within a specified scientific discipline, known as Venia Legendi. In order to obtain the habilitation degree, the candidate must demonstrate proficiency in representing and advancing the chosen field through research and pedagogy. This proficiency must be validated through a comprehensive habilitation thesis, a public trial lecture, and participation in a habilitation colloquium.
The criteria for habilitation eligibility are noted in the habilitation regulations of the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering.
Information on Initiating a Habilitation Qualifying Procedure
Application Letter for Initiation
Documents Required for Application
Mandatory Copies - Letter of Consent for Publication
Electronic Publication of Dissertation to the Library of OvGU